
SKU: ZX-914

ZX-914 PROM Programmer

The ZX-914 is a complete PROM programmer contained on a single Multibus card and is designed to implement the Intel fast programming algorithm (Ims pulse) desired for 28-pin 2764, 27128 EPROMs, and 2817 EEPROM. The ZX914 plugs directly into the Multibus card cage and contains eight 28-pin zero insertion force sockets. Up to 32KB may be programmed in one operation.

Two additional operational modes are featured: GANG and SPLIT programming. In the gang programming mode, up to eight duplicates of the master EPROM can be produced simultaneously. In the byte split programming mode, odd and even address bytes are split and programmed into adjacent EPROM sockets.

Input may be obtained from .HEX, .OBJ or .COM files, or may be read directly from exist ing 2764 or 27128 EPROMS. Both the ZX-908 and ZX-914 programmer boards may reside in the same system, which allows easy transferring between EPROM types.

The board requires 5 volt power only and utilizes an onboard DC to DC converter to produce the necessary programming voltages. The programming sockets are mounted on an extended portion of the board which protrudes out of the Multibus card cage.